Drought strikes Kabarole district, famine looming

06/18/2013 05:43
Drought strikes Kabarole district, famine loomingPublish Date: Jun 18, 2013
Drought strikes Kabarole district, famine looming

Kyenjojo and Kabarole districts in western Uganda have also borne the blunt of the drought that has affected most parts of the country.

“I planted maize and beans early last month expecting rainfall, but we were hit by the dry spell. All the crops are stunted and drying up. I am planning to dig them up because I don’t expect any harvest,” said John Kamara, a farmer in Kyenjojo district.

Over the last two days, somel parts of Kyenjonjo received rain, but most farmers said the rain had no impact.

“It has rained, but we are not sure how this will last, these days we are planting on luck if it rains we get the harvest if not we make losses, we don’t actually know which time is for rain or shining.” Joshua Baguma from Harugongo in Kyenjojo, said.

“The season has not yielded anything, but we shall keep trying maybe luck will be on our side and rains will come” he added.

Farmers says the un predictable climatic changes is the main problem affecting them. “We used to know the seasons but now we don’t know we just plant and God work if luck is on us we get the best. But the bad thing we always miss out either the rain is too much or it shines alot” Kamara said.  NewVision

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