Evangelist Luis Palau Set to Equip Vietnam Churches

03/25/2011 07:41


Believers in Vietnam are passionate to reach their nation with the Gospel.

Evangelist Luis Palau says, "The churches in Vietnam are far more fired up, I'll be honest with you, than the churches in the USA, with regards to training people, preparing them, and motivating them. They are eager to win people to Jesus Christ; they want to be trained."

 Although the church is good at winning souls one-on-one, they admittedly need help to train preaching evangelists and to gain unity between north and south Vietnam, as well as between unregistered and registered churches.

 Out of their excitement to spread the gospel, unregistered and registered churches alike have asked Palau to come to Vietnam to help their people move forward in faith and in progress. Even governing officials have welcomed Palau to the country.

 What could cause an atheistic country such eagerness for an evangelical believer? Palau entered Vietnam for the first time last year, revving people up with the reality of full-life transformation that should take place when someone accepts Christ. The concept is covered in Palau's February 2011 release of the book, Changed by Faith.

 "What we did with this book Changed by Faith is demonstrate what the Bible teaches: when you come to Christ, not only does your own mind change, your emotions change, and your spiritual life [changes]," Palau says. "It begins to change your relationship with your family and your attitudes at work. You begin to have an impact on society around you: in the neighborhood at first, then it spreads out through the local churches. It can even, in many cases, touch nations."


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