'Obama Oy Vey' Campaign May Convince Jews to Move to Israel

09/12/2012 05:32

Netanyahu, Obama meet FridayDozens of members of the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) rallied in West Palm Beach, Florida on Sunday to show their support for Mitt Romney while protesting against President Barack Obama, the WPTV news channel reported.

The group has sponsored several billboards that appear along Interstate 95, which read "Obama Oy Vey.”  

Former UN Ambassador John Bolton addressed the crowd and spoke out against the president's stance on Israel, saying he left the Jewish state "exposed, alone, and vulnerable."

"Being president is more than just giving speeches," Bolton said. "It's not like being a legislator."

Marcia Kalecky-Stern, a member of the RJC who was among the demonstrators, said, "Obama is no friend of Israel."

Romney "embraces Israel,” she said. “He considers Jerusalem the capital of Israel, and I have no doubt he will always have Israel's back."

"I might move to Israel if Obama gets re-elected," Kalecky-Stern asserted.

Teresa Shelton, another protester, said she wouldn’t vote for Obama because "he's created more debt than the beginning of all the presidents since George Washington," the news station reported.

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