Signs Point to a Market Crash

03/01/2014 10:13

As hard as both expert and amateur end-time prophecy scholars try, there just isn’t any evidence in the Bible of the United States influencing world events as it has for recent generations. It really looks as if the main purpose of the United States was to incubate Israel until the end.


So what takes the United States out? Although there are several postulated scenarios, recent news chatter about a forthcoming market crash could be the very thing that reduces or eliminates the United States’ word dominance and influence.


Back in November someone noticed a striking similarity in the market chart trail of 1928-29 and the way 2013-14 is headed. It’s uncanny and probably scary for those heavily invested. The 1928-29 chart trail shows the crash and 2013-14 is following it almost exactly.



Historically, we know that after the crash of 1929, many bankers and investor types took their lives—many jumping from tall buildings. It was a bad time. Recent news of a small cluster of banker/investor types “falling” from buildings or dying by other mysterious means have recently cropped up.


Conspiracy theorists love this kind of stuff. It seems as if something is going on. The signs, news chatter, and Bible prophecy are colliding for fulfillment. Follow the signals. Make sure your heart is right and ready.


The economy is not improving. It’s getting worse, according to the signs. They are using the B word again—bubble. Remember, the 2008 downturn was the result of a bubble popping.


When this happens, the church needs to stand up and lead. The author of the following article states:


Should the Church Prepare for the Fall of America?

In many ways, I believe the greatest call of the church today is to prepare to serve communities in the event our state and federal agencies go bankrupt and cannot function at capacity any longer. The church needs to almost function as a shadow government and be ready, in the same way the church leadership and bishops took the lead in serving cities in the late fifth century after the Roman Empire’s infrastructure collapsed.

Additionally, the church moving in supernatural power demonstrating signs and wonders will create influence during this time. This could be the greatest opportunity, and certainly the last, for the church to reap a harvest of souls.


The signs are clear. People are not as moved by social and moral sins, but when you start fooling with their money—they will be right on the front seat. God knows how to get our attention.


Are you ready? Is your heart clean and pure? Why don’t you take a few minutes right now and pray. Then pray for your family and those around you.



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