Television show hosts eat each others flesh in front of studio audience

12/20/2011 18:14

NYDailyNews:  Two Dutch TV hosts claim they ate chunks of each other’s flesh because they wanted to find out what human meat tastes like, all in front of a studio audience.

The feat will air on Dennis Storm and Valerio Zeno’s new show, “Preojfkonijen,” which translates to “Test Rabbits.”

“The punchline of the show is to get really simple answers on stupid questions, such as, ‘Can you shave with ketchup’ or ‘Can you drive blind?’” Storm told “And we wanted to find out how human flesh tasted.”

A chef fried a hunk of Storm’s buttocks, and a piece of Zeno’s abdomen, both carved off earlier by a surgeon, in a pan with sunflower oil, skipping salt and pepper to preserve the meat’s natural taste.

Then the daring duo dug in.

“We went to the butcher, the surgeon and the studio, then we looked at each other and just ate it,” Storm said. “The special thing was, it was his flesh, of course.”

Neither was too impressed by the taste of human flesh, they told

“Nothing is really that special when you’re talking about the taste of meat,” Storm said in the interview. “But it is weird to look into the eyes of a friend when you are chewing on his belly.”

The stunt, which will air Wednesday in the Netherlands, was worth it, Storm said.

“It was just a few centimeters of meat,” he told the website. “And now I have a good story about that scar.”

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